Custom Commercial & Corporate Artwork
Use stock images or create your own design. Our experienced graphic designers can help* you if you lack artist flare or Photoshop knowledge. Or, get your favorite artwork or pictures custom printed. There are so many creative ways to decorate the walls using the Aspen fabric frames. What's more is that the graphics are backed by a one year warranty and Aspen frames are backed by a lifetime warranty.
At San Diego Sign Company, we have decorated our entire office building using Aspen frames. Each graphic designer in our graphics department gets to, again, design their own graphic for a 3ft. x 4ft. Aspen frame, which hangs on the walls side-by-side. This time their theme is cartoon or comic book characters using only four colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and BlacK. Should look pretty cool! (Themes before included movies and TV shows.)